
The ABCs of Education

Find materials to navigate the Dallas ISD application process here!


The ABCs of Education

Dallas ISD has created incredible choices for families in Dallas and across the city. For families entering school for the first time in the fall, it can be difficult to navigate all of these choices and know how to make the best decision for your child. On Jan. 9, 2025, Raising Oak Cliff offered a virtual meeting to talk about education for families entering schools. We hope the recorded session, along with resources below, helps you to feel confident in knowing how to submit your application by the Jan 31st deadline.

If you have additional questions, or are hoping to connect with parents from a particular school to learn more about their experience- feel free to reach out! You can send us a message on instagram @raisingoakcliff or email

Additionally, DISD has one remaining virtual session for Discover DISD and you can register here

Here are the links shared during the session that might help you make an informed decision:

  • DISD is asking parents to start here when doing your research

  • To learn about school offerings and how they are different, you can use this resource

  • This document outlines school specialties and locations

  • To learn the number of seats available for schools you are interested in you can click here

  • More information about the pre-k programs is available here

  • This is the site to submit your application (deadline by Jan 31st)


Ratings from Texas Education Agency

If you click on the image to the left, you’ll find see the PDF from the TEA of report cards for 2019-20.

More information on Texas Education Agency report cards of the schools:


navigating DISD Choice schools

If you don’t know where to start when it comes to public education and Dallas, perhaps this 6-page document Casey Cox created will be helpful to all you newbies out there.


Comparing schools

Comparing schools.png

While doing her own research, Martha Guerrero created this very helpful document to help you decide which school is the best fit for your family.

“The Uninformed Parent” was a podcast by Keri Mitchell of The Advocate. She gets insight from parents on what drove them to pick their school. Here are 7 tips that might help you make an informed decision.


  1. Take a tour of every school you are interested in, plus home school

  2. You can transfer to any DISD public school

  3. Magnet (testing/interview process) versus Choice (lottery)

  4. Don’t underestimate convenience; what works best for your family

  5. Don’t judge an elementary based on its middle school

  6. Get to know the numbers, and then look beyond the numbers
    (test scores, demographics). Other numbers to consider: teacher/
    student ratio, climate survey, how many field trips, how many
    specials/electives, turnover

  7. Determine what you value most and what you are willing to


Details on Choice School selection Process

I stumbled upon this FAQ document on the Choice School Selection Process from the Office of Transformation and Innovation and have found it very useful.